Saturday, March 31, 2007

No longer in Bournemouth, but at what price?

Today was our last day in Bournemouth. We finished cleaning out our apartment with our stuff more or less packed, and John came to pick us up. We managed to fit everything into John's car - a tight squeeze (the plane trip back to Canada should prove to be interesting) - and we set off for Teignmouth.

We were about halfway along when we got onto a stretch of road that just turned into a dual carriage way (single lane highway becoming two lanes) after coming up a hill, and John decided to overtake the slow car in front of him. After signaling and starting our car out into the other lane, a car came speeding - literarly - up from behind, and so John pulled back into the slow lane... Unfortunately, the speeding car must have hit his brakes and lost control, because (after we were back in our lane) he swerved into the driver's side door of our car. We were pushed off the road and hit the road barrier, destroying the front left tire, bounced back down to the road and skidded to a stop on a grassy area on the side of the road. The other vehicle ended up on it's side in the merridian area of the highway.

No one was hurt, so that is good, but both vehicles are definitely writen off. John was quite shaken up - understandably. Well we all were I guess. Adam was in the front and his hand somehow went through the passenger window while it broke so got a bit cut up, but nothing serious. Troë was in the back and only got a lap full of glass from the shattered windows like everyone else. We had to do the whole police report thing, and there was a witness who pulled over and told the police that the other guy was excessively speeding up the hill, so we don't think it will be deemed as John's fault.

After that the car was towed to the nearest garage, and we all rode in the back of a police car to a small town in the middle of Dorset. Ronnie (John's mum) had to borrow a car to come and get us. None of us had been in a car accident before, and probably wouldn't mind never being in one again! Definitely an interesting end to our life in Bournemouth.


At 8:19 p.m., April 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, my dear children...I thank God that you're all ok...
you're always in my heart, my thoughts and my prayers....
love you, love you

At 12:09 a.m., April 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad you are all okay...Nasty things, accidents They are definetly something you don't plan. It will be so good to have you all back home... safe and sound. I think you're trip home will be crowded... How about shipping some in advance?
You are in our prayers as well... take care... and see you soon. I hope you can post a blog frequently on your trip. Your safety is upper most in our minds... Love you, too.... Dad

At 8:18 a.m., April 02, 2007, Blogger troë said...

shipping things in advance is definitely not worth it. it is more than $100 to send a box back, but if we take it on the plane it's only $20 extra to take it on the plane because I bought extra luggage space ahead of time.

At 5:10 p.m., April 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yikes! I'm glad you guys are ok, that is REALLY SCARY. Accidents are no fun. I'm glad the speeder is going to get charged - I'm sorry about John's car!

At 7:15 p.m., April 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are right, that's a lot better... Love ya, dad

At 12:19 a.m., April 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my goodness...what a way to's kinda funny i was actually going to email you this evening and then saw on facebook you had an accident and had to get to it right away...I have to go for a run in a few minutes...but I'll try to write a longer note to you later on...can't wait to see month!!!

love you guys,


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