100 Days
Yesterday was my 100th day of teaching in England. It should have felt like more of a land mark because I get a bonus in July now that I have taught for 100 days; also I thought I might stop once I reached that goal. But, instead, I have 12 days of teaching left at the girls school. But, Friday was a day to remember, none the less, it was probably one of the worst days of teaching have had so far. I won't go into details of why - I think you can probably imagine by now. This morning I also got a nice '100 days congratulations' text message on my phone from the supply company I work for - only it was at 7:00 in the morning, so all it really did was wake us up. Nice.We went to see a movie on Wednesday again. We planned on seeing 'The Illusionist', but when we got to the theatre their early show was cancelled for that, so we saw 'Ghost Rider' instead. (We'll probably go see 'The Illusionist' next week.) 'Ghost Rider' was pretty good. Similar type of movie to 'The Punisher' or 'Blade'. It was pretty creepy in parts and I thought that Wes Bently (the wierd kid in 'American Beauty') was really good as the devil's son in the movie.
wow... 100 days... glad you made it and I am sure you'll be glad to see the bonus in JULY. You'll probably really need it by then.
I went to see a movie last night while Allanah was out with t he girls... Paula and Ingrid and all Ingrids friends... they went to Dakotas. The movie was the with Labyrinth in the titel The Labyrinth and the Faun... French sub titles. It won several nominations... and I think an emmi for costums or special makeup or something. Anyway, it was awesome and terrible at the same time... very scary and unpredictable... It did not end like I would like for it to end, but considering the setting, World War II in France deadl with the underground and horrific people... and the glimmer of Hope in Ofelia's life. Full of symbolism and metaphysical magic and ascension... An exquisite fairytale... fairies, a faun, bugs, bugs and bugs and a giant frog... enjoy.
I'm sorry you had a horrible day... I'm sure more than one... come on, details.
Not so long now (12 days?) I'm sure you're going to be glad to leave this teaching experience behind. My friend Robin Jarmin looks back on his year in Englad as the worst experience in his life... of 40 years of teaching. I guess its always been t he wors place to be...Oh well, you got it out of your system, its all up hill from there. Love and Light,
Hi Troe and Adam.orry you had such a bad daylast week. but wont be long now until you're home again thank goodness. Sarah was here last night and she's really getting excited also ans looking forward to her trip. Hope you all have a wonderful time together, as I'm sure you will. Love and hugs,
Hi guys, glad you got to the cinema this week, not sure that Ghostrider is on my list of things to see but I shall wait and see.
In response to Troe's Dad, the film you went to see was released under the title Pan's Labyrinth in the UK and as The Faun of the Labyrinth in the US and Canada (a direct translation from the Spanish title 'El laberinto del fauno') John and I went to see it at the Picture House back in December and my DVD copy arrive on Friday just gone! It's set in post-civil war spain in 1944 after Franco has come to power. It received a heap of Oscar, BAFTA and Goya nominations and won a fair few. The monsters were really scary; the stuff of childrens nightmares. The giant toad didnt bother me so much as the cannibalistic Pale Man which was CREEPY! Personally I felt it was one of the best films I have ever seen so I highly recommend it, Adam & Troe, if you haven't seen it yet!
M'indeed - I have to say it was REALLY good - except the face slashing knife bit - but then I don't do gore (as you know Troë! - me + CSI = Not Good.)!
I think it richly deserved all of its nominations and awards, because artistically it was great, I especially liked the Pale Man's eyes - such a cool concept!
hEY HONEY, I am a bit late in reading this blog. Sorry you had a bad day, but by the time you read this, you will be down to single digit days. that must feel wonderful. you should feel proud for sticking it out.
Sarah is in Denmark as I write this. i hope she had a good flight. she was really looking forward to seeing you all, and I am sure you will have a real blast. One glitch in the whole thing. She came over on Monday to pick up your stuff (I thought she was coming on Tues). anway, I gave her your tax paper, but didn't have the gum yet. She was going to come back on Tues. to get the gum and hair gel. She called me on Tues. night to say she was running late and could i put it in the mail box, which I did, but unbelievably, someone stole it out of the mail box. she came while I was at work on Wed. and it wasn't there. I am really upset about it, someone robbing my mailbox, and I am sure you will be upset not to get the juicy fruit and the hair gel - so sorry. I don't know what could have been done different. Sorry sweetie. You'll have to o.d. on juicy fruit when you come home.
Things are okay here. spring is finally here and the neighbours have crocus up - yipee! got to love that old spring.
Anyway, hope you have heaps of fun with Sarah, and I am sure you will.
Enjoy you last few days teaching as best you can.
Love and hugs to you both.
hey mom,
wow that really sucks about the stuff getting stolen out of the mail box! don't worry about it too much, i'm sure that i will survive without the juicy fruit. I get to see sarah tomorrow!
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