What to do in January
January is creeping by so slowly. I haven't been able to find a job to suppliment the teaching yet, but I haven't looked very hard becasue I am getting enough teaching that I don't need one too badly. I may not even get one at all.
Adam and I are finally getting a bit more good TV though. Usually it's just re-runs of 8 Simple Rules, or Home Improvement, or Hope and Faith or Scrubs. Most of these shows are garbage (apart from Scrubs) and they always show the same episodes over and over and over. But, finally! Last week was season premier week! We got the Premier of the OC, ER, and Law and Order CI. Yay! Good Television! (Well, apart from the OC, that is). Now all we need is a little Grey's Anatomy and we'll be set. I don't think we'll be getting that though.
See, I told you January was going slow. Nothing to write about except TV.
Oh, but there is one exciting thing happening in January - John is coming to visit us again at the end of the month. Good, something to look forward to.
Hi... Just a quick note...I see Roanne a the Parkinson Centre each morning... Coincidence the other day that she and Lani were talking to you two at t he same time... neat. Lani and I are watching 24 this year... great TV. Yours just sounds ok...
Got your next trip in sight yet? My sister Ann talks about our ancestors coming from an Island just across the see from Edinborough... I'll find out more and let you know.
Hope teaching continues... I know supply teaching is a pain, but you'll be home soon. Any thoughts about what to do when you get here? Love to help with We can...
Let's work on getting Lan over there...We just have to think of when.
Love you both.... Dad
When we get back we are going to be looking for a place in Vancouver, and I will be looking for teaching work in Vancouver. Adam has applied to the teaching program at SFU and UBC for the fall.
It would be great if we could get mom over here (and you too, obviously!) Love you both too!
Hey sweetheart - January is a slow month, and winter is never ending here this year. snow again today. I am getting a little tired of it. At least the days are starting to get a bit longer now.
As dad said, we are watching 24 this year which started last Sunday (for 2 hours) and Monday (for 2 hours). Wow, what a good show.
Hope you get enough supply jobs to keep you in the green, and not too bored as well. Just a few more months and you will be back (yipee).
Love to you both, and take care of each other.
Forgot to say, love to John too. Have fun together.
We aren't getting 24 over here. I have watched every season and Adam has watched almost every season, we really like it too. I guess we'll have to rent it when we get back.
24 is shown on "Sky Television" over here - you have to have a satellite dish and pay subscriptions. (We don't do that...) ...But I have cannily watched the first four episodes Lani, and they are AWESOME!
Hey guys!
That's too bad about 24. It's been pretty good so far this season. But it shouldn't be a problem getting it when you get back. Had games night over here last night. They're never the same without you guys. Russ bought Bohnanza and brought it over. Seems that everyone has greatly missed it and they were very excited to plant their farms last night! We have all aquired quite a few games recently and look forward to having you both back to play them. Can't wait. Also, if you need a place to stay when you get back, you know our door is open.
Kevin says hi by the way. As you can see, he's very articulate. That and I've already mentioned most of the things either of us had to say that were somewhat interesting. Anyways, we both miss you and look forward to your return, only a few more months!!
Kim (and Kevin too)
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