Castle The Third - Alnwick Castle
After our self-tour of the wall, we were off to find Alnwick Castle. A little fun first, though.
Alnwick Castle.It was huge! Wow, what a castle! It had a large outer wall structure with several keeps/ outposts in the outer walls. They had even arranged things so tourists could walk along the outwalls, just like the original inhabitants had. In the center of the outwall structure, there was a large castle, complete with a courtyard
where we could eat lunch, and, of course, a gift shop.
The inside of the castle proper was also huge. Like usual, though, photography wasn't allowed inside. The castle was home to loads of expensive china and rare paintings. Also, we learned the the organizer of the plot in the "gunpowder, treason, and plot" (associated with the Guy Fawkes treason) lived in this castle at that time.
This famed castle was where several movies have been filmed, including the first Harry Potter movie and Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. After we left, all we could say was, 'wow!' It was definitely the best castle we've ever been to.
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