Thursday, December 14, 2006

A Break From Rossmore

So the week is going ok, no huge complaints... about Rossmore that is. Yesterday I spent the day at a prospective school for January. I was going in for possibly teaching PE for a term (until the end of March). The school, unfortunately, was not all I was hoping it would be. None of the staff were all that friendly and the kids were almost as bad as Rossmore. So all in all, I was not impressed. Anyway, I don't know what I'm going to do now. I'd rather just stay at Rossmore though than teach there I think.

Christmas baking is half done. The Oh Henry bars turned out very nicely. Less than a week and we will be in Barcelona! Horray for another adventure!


At 6:23 p.m., December 14, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey sweetie - tough decisions. would they let you stay at Rossmore if you wanted? Whatever you decide I hope it turns out okay.
Everything here is fine. i bought the cats a plastic stocking with little cat nip toys and cat nip in it. Dick hung it in the front hall closet and of course Link sniffed it out, ripped the bottom of the stocking out and I came home to them playing with their Christmas treats. Little monkeys. If they think I'm going to get more stuff for them, they're crazy.
Anyway, almost Christmas break - yeah. I am looking forward to a few days off. this working for a living sucks - am I right. I guess I am luck to have a good job though.
How many more days at Rossmore and when do you leave for Barcelona?
love and hugs,

At 9:03 a.m., December 15, 2006, Blogger the both of us said...

After today only 2 1/2 days left. We leave on Wednesday next week, I have to leave school early, that's why there's a half day.

At 7:33 p.m., December 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the note...It is always nice to hear from you... I am now officially a blog junky. I look forward to it everyday and check five times a day.

We got your package togday. Link investigated your package for him...I guess Lani and I don't get anything. Oh well, you coming home is present enough... It was well wrapped. The plastic bag was a great idea. Thanks for the nice card and note... I did open that.

2 and 1/2 days... It must seem like a dream to have a good long break and to be able to go to Spain... Wow. Love and Light, Dad

At 4:03 a.m., December 16, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hiya Troe
Just a short note from one of your mom's old friends (and I mean OLD) I have been reading your blog for about a month now. Sounds like you and your sweetie (mom assures me that is an apt description) are getting a lot of AFLE over there in Europe. It sure isn't home. Sounds like the kids there were not raised like Canadian young'uns (well like we like to think Canadian youn'uns should be raised) "No respect" is tough to deal with. But it begins to sound like there isn't anywhere that you can find that 'respect' over there. Have you asked any of your colleagues if they get the respect you crave either? Mght just be 'how things are" in Britain.
On the literature front, I would like to suggest a series of books written by Diana Gabaldon known as the Outlander series.

At 2:03 p.m., December 17, 2006, Blogger John said...

'Ere - as an English person, I take exception to that "Old Auntie Sandra." We are not all tarred with the same brush.

I shall find out where you live...

At 6:26 p.m., December 17, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My sincere apologies if that sounded like an insult to all British. Perhaps teens are the same everywhere. I am certainly glad there are none of them in my life at present (until the grandkids gain a few more years) It was tough enough when my kids were teens and I was much younger then.

At 9:42 a.m., December 18, 2006, Blogger the both of us said...

Dad, you guys got your presents a long time ago... check under the tree! As for the kids here, here's how I'm told it works.... There are such things as 'grammar schools' here. They are normal high schools, but they only take the top 20% of students. So, the top 20% go to grammar schools, the next at least 10% I would say manage to go to a school that isn't crap (like Rossmore), and we are left with the rest. Obviously there are still a few good kids here, but basically that's why it's kinda crappy. John, I believe, went to a grammar school. Now all I have to do is find a job teaching at one of those.

At 3:49 p.m., December 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They ought to send auntie Sandra over there (also known as the spankin' aunt). that would straighten them out.
Only 1 1/2 more days by the time you read this - that must feel good. hope you have a good last few days.
Love mmyt

At 5:27 p.m., December 18, 2006, Blogger T-A said...

Just to clarify john (and me and clare and most our friends) didn't go to grammer school although we did manage to avoid going to a totally trash school. But there were plenty of people at our school that really didnt want to be there and trashed it for others....I have a feeling in many cases its just the way it is in too many cases unfortunately.

Anyways Troe - hope things look up in the new year and you enjoy your Christmas break; everything looks better after turkey dinner!


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