Casino Royale
This past Wednesday saw us return to the cinema following the dismal outcome out last weeks attempt.This week the theatre let us use an Orange 2for1 code (thanks TA) and we were finally able to see "Casino Royale" - the new bond film.
Both of us quite enjoyed the movie. The new bond, Daniel Craig, fit the role quite well. The movie is set as bond first becomes a 'double-oh' agent - placing it chronologically before the other twenty something movies - but it still takes place in present day. Craig portrayed just the right character mixture to be smooth at times and rough at others.
We've heard complaints from others that the movie doesn't have very many gadgets (which is doesn't) and it's quite violent in places (which it is) and the new car is under-used (well - it only a car). Personally, none of these things bothered us much.
The movie has a bond who is brand new to having a license to kill and is getting used to being a secret agent. I thought it was an interesting side to the character. There is some excellent free-running early in the movie, and Bond has to out-think and out fight his enemies - not just blow them up with some ridiculous gadget.
TA and I also saw this on Wednesday (TA seeing a little more than I,) but I thought Craig made a good bond, Jame Dudi was as always, excellent, but to understnad I feel I need to get how Texas Hold'em works!
On another more fragrant note, Chai tea! I have looked, and although not visible in supermarkets, I have found it in a health food shope and a deli - so it may be worth a poke around there Troë. Found 50 bags for £2, the Twinings stuff.
Hi you ttwo...
Sounds like a recommendattion...guess we1ll have to break down and go...
Troe, mom told me of your conversation this morning... best of everything as your job takes a new turn... It1' all for the best and I know you will do well...
Love and Light.... Dad
Hi again... got a chance to see Casino Royale last night... had to go alone cause Lani was playing her harp for her office staff over at Lillians...
I enjoyed it thoroughly... yes, shaken but not stirred turned into "I don't care", but the subtle references to the old stuff was scatter thoughout and, I saw quite a bit. I loved the action and very acrobatic chases, and the poker; fortunately I know the game and that helped. many twists and turns kept me on the edge of my seat and I had to remind myself to breath once in awhile. It just goes none stop. I think its the best Bond I've seen. Ta... Dad
I haven't seen it yet, will probably wait for the video release as Dad has gone and so has Kelly, alas both without me. Oh well. I do want to see Deja vu and a movie called the fountain. both look like good thought provoking movies, and would be worthy of a small discussion afterwards. don't know whey they will be released in England though. Will let you know about them after I get a chance to see them.
Love and hugs
We have seen previews for both those moives, mom. They look good, I especially want to see 'the fountain'. Unfortunately, we saw the previews before coming here, and I haven't seen any for either since being here, so we may have to wait on those ones a little.
John, Adam and I will have to teach you how to play Texas Holdem at New Years! It's a very good game of poker.
Glad you liked the film, dad. Definately one of the top bond films I've seen, possibly the best.
okay, what do you mean at New Year's? Are you telling me you will be home for New Year's,or did you mean in the new year? Okay, don't get me excited without warrant, okay.
We have definitely hit winter here, and in Vancouver as well. We have scads of snow, and it is very cold (-24 wind chill this am). Vancouver is overloaded with snow and cold, in fact all the schools are closed, including UBS and SFU! Because of the cold temperatures, the snow will likely stick around for 3 to 5 days as well. It snowed in Vancouver for 39 hours straight! Glad you aren't having to drive around on those roads. they are telling everyone not to leave the house unless absolutely necessary (in the lower mainland). Dad drove me to work today - too cold to walk, and its hard plugging through the snow cause they don't usually have the sidewalks shoveled. would have been a good work out though.
Anyway, love you loads and loads, and please clarify that New Year's comment before I have a hairy fit.
Love you loads, and hope you have a wonderful week (or at least survivable).
Mom, Adam and I are going to see John at New Years. Remember, the John that lives in England? Not Canada. Hence the 'John, adam and I...' in the previous comment.
Hey troe - I know John lives in England, but you said, and I quote "John, Adam and I will have to teach you Texas Holdem at New Years. it sounded like you three were going to teach me and Dad. Oh well, I guess a girl can dream, if only for a moment. I thought maybe all 3 of you were going to surprise us. I guess one can read into things what one wants, hey.
It is a good game, and John will love it.
Love mmyt
Deja Vu - 15/12 (Saw the trailer before Bond!)
The Fountain - 16/02 (My god that's an age away!)
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