Friday, November 17, 2006

The end of a horrible week

Well, I have had the week from Hell basically. Considering leaving the school. I am, after all, a supply teacher (TOC) and therefore could leave whenever I wanted to. I think I'll probably stick it out for a while longer, at least till Christmas, and see how things go. I don't really like teaching here at all, but I would be letting some students down, the production, other teachers, etc. But at the end of the day, if I go home and I can't even have a decent conversation with my husband because I am so upset by the day, then I am not sure that it is worth it. We'll see.

On lighter notes... Adam and I didn't go see a movie for the 2-for-1 Wednesday this week. Everything that was playing looked like crap (or we'd seen it) and the only good thing that was playing was a sneak preview of 'Casino Royal', but it was £20 a person to get in!!! That's about $40 each!! No thanks, we'll wait for this week when we can see it for £7.20 for both of us.

Oh, I figured out something else that we are missing over here that I am really beginning to crave! Chai tea. I can't find it anywhere! Which I actually find quite surprising. John, any ideas where I might find some?

Well, that is really all that is new with me for now. I hope everyone is doing well, and we really miss you all!


At 4:34 p.m., November 17, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetie: I can empathize! But I hope you can stick it out. Yoou stll have to do what you have to do... meaning it is of course your life and your decision. Im just sorry it has been so horrible. I am sending you lights of love... hope you can feel it.

Casino Royal is getting lots of play over here... hope it is as good as the hype.

Nobody knows what it is like to be in the room with so much hostility and lack of respect...just know it cann't be worse anywhere else...

Love, Dad

At 5:52 p.m., November 17, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Troe and Adam.
We feel so badly that you are having such a tough time over there with those bratty kids. It's not worth spoiling your health sweetheart. I.m sure Adam understands how tough it is on you.Whatever you decide to do. you know that you have your whole family behind you and we are praying for you.

Christmas will be here before you know it . Keep your chin up love. and know that you are always in our thoughts.

Lots of love to you both.

At 7:34 p.m., November 17, 2006, Blogger John said...

Hi Troë (and Adam!)

Sorry to hear your week has been crap (I appologise for my crass language should anyone be offended!), sometimes life's no fun at all.

But on the bright side, yes we do have Chai tea, and it should be readily available. Twinings make it (It will be with all the herbal teas and stuff.) I know that Tesco and Sainsbury's sell it (it's on their websites!) Shoudl you not find it, I'll post you some!

Chin up hun! xxx

At 7:36 p.m., November 17, 2006, Blogger John said...

Just so you know what to look out for!

At 1:24 a.m., November 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey sweetie,
Just got home from work and read your blog. I'd love to come over there and give those kids a piece of my mind (and part of my backhand as well). Soooooooo sorry you are having a rough time. It's such a waste of a valuable resource such as yourself. I'm sure Adam understands how hard it is to talk about, but you both know what is best for you both, and of course, dad and I respect and stand behind any decision you make. Too bad those little arses are spoiling your deam of living in England for a year. I wish I could do something, and if you can think of anything, just let me know.
Just remember you are not alone in that classroom.... you have your friends and family with you always. maybe if you told administration you were thinking of quitting, they could help in some way - I don't know, just grasping at straws.
Hope you enjoy your weekend heaps, and only a few more weeks until Christmas, if that helps. I guess you two are getting good practice at being each other's support system.
Anyway, I love you heaps and heaps.

Hope you dinner party goes off okay. Did you come up with some good finger food ideas? knowing you, I'm sure it will be delicious and fun!

I will call you tomorrow or Sunday. Hope you are feeling a little more refreshed by then.

Loads of love,

At 2:47 a.m., November 18, 2006, Blogger Clay said...

Am passing the computer to Caran for a little teacherly heart-to-heart.

Seriously, do you us an IM client? I'm sure she'd be happy to get in touch with you that way...

At 10:43 a.m., November 21, 2006, Blogger the both of us said...

John, I was at Sainsburys yesterday and while I saw many kinds of Twinnings tea, chai was not one of them. Perhaps a black hole has come along and swallowed it all up!

At 5:51 p.m., November 21, 2006, Blogger John said...

Those blasted black holes get everywhere - they always steal socks from teh washing machine too! I am still looking for it though!

At 7:11 p.m., November 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Troe,
Hang in there. I can only imagine how tough those kids are. Just remember, it's not you, you're a great person and a great teacher. And don't forget, your friends are here for you, even if we're an ocean apart! If you need anything, let us know, ok??
Luv, Kim
(Big Hug!!)


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